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Potty Training Tips

Potty Training Tips
Are you kiddos getting big enough to start potty training?! Are you worried about the vigorous process it takes to transition them from diapers to undies! Well I’m here to help you out! These top 5 potty training tips will start you off on the road to potty training success!
 Potty Training Tips for Success

Potty Training Tips for Success

How to Know When It’s Time to Potty Train Your Child

Tips for potty training success

Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them…why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me… if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents– even over night!

5 Must Know Potty Training Tips for Success

1. Watch for Signs:

In order to make sure that your toddlers are ready to start potty training, there are a few tell tale signs for you to look for! For example, it is very common for kids to grab at their private parts or hold their bottom if they have to go to the restroom. Also, notice if they are telling you after they went to the bathroom, that shows that they know what they are they are probably ready to start potty training!  But also be mindful not to push them too soon.  I tried to potty train Little Man before he was ready and it was a disaster!  But just a month later he was ready and told me “no more diaper”…and that was it… he was ready.  That is the number 1 potty training tip I can give you– start when they’re ready- not when you’re ready…it’ll be so much easier!

2. Buy them a Fun Potty:

Something that will really encourage them to use their potty is to buy them a one that is visually appealing to them! You can find a little starter potty with pretty much any cartoon character on it these days! Ask them who their favorite character is and find them a potty with that person on it! Trust me, it works!  Little Man LOVED this Mickey Mouse potty!
41lHV46Sh1L Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!
tall light Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!

I also found that once he became comfortable using the potty he decided he wanted to use the “Big Potty” but he would get scared of falling in and make a bit of a mess.  We tried those little seats that sits on top of the toilet seat but they would move around and just weren’t sturdy enough….not to mention I wasn’t a fan of having an extra toilet seat laying on the floor next to the toilet in our guest bathroom.

So I replaced the regular toilet seat with this 2 in 1 seat….for adults and kids.  It’s perfect because Little Man feels grown up using the “big” potty and there’s nothing extra laying around in the guest bathroom!
314wF0Tj6LL Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!


potty must haves fb Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!ir?t=serenandspi0a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B00EPET9RC Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!ir?t=serenandspi0a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=B008HRJKEU Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!

3. Take them Underwear Shopping:

A great way to get them ready for potty training is to get them excited about growing up into underwear instead of wearing diapers! Inform them that big kids wear underwear, only babies wear diapers and they will definitely want to start wearing that underwear! Once again just like with the potty, there are so many brands of underwear out there that have all of their favorite cartoon characters on them, so take them out and let them pick some out!
They now even make boxer briefs for little boys….Little Man was excited to get underwear “just like Daddy”!

4. Lead by Example:

Let’s face it, kids learn from watching the people around them! Start taking your little ones into the potty whenever you have to go! While you are sitting on the big potty, have them sit on their little potty and try to go at the same time as you! This will teach them that everyone goes on the potty and they should start as well!  Get your spouse involved too– it really clicked for Little Man when he saw Daddy use the potty.  Yes, it’s weird to have a little person watching you use the potty so intently but hey….moms do it all day long….I don’t remember the last time I used the potty in peace!  😉

5. Reward Them:

EVERY single time they go to the bathroom on the potty, PRAISE THEM! You can reward them with something very simple, such as a few Cheerios, stickers, high fives or something like that.
kids books about potty training books
Well, that wasn’t so bad right? I hope these tips have made your thoughts of going into potty training with your kids a bit less scary! I promise it isn’t so bad once you get into it.

If you’re still a bit apprehensive about this major milestone of potty training then I highly suggest reading my friend Becky’s book about How To Potty Train in a Weekend.  She has sold thousands of copies and it’s packed full of so much great information and fantastic potty training tips….I can attest….you really can completely potty train your child in a weekend.

Other fun items to get you on the road to potty training success:

Keep potty time lit up at night! Motion Activated Toilet Nightlight

31cN1mquh6L Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!

The Let’s Potty Board Game!  I love that this brings fun and excitement to potty training!

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B00F2TDJTI&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=serenandspi0a 20 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!

Awesome books for kids about using the potty:

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=0545172969&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=serenandspi0a 20 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!ir?t=serenandspi0a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=0545172969 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1416928332&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=serenandspi0a 20 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!
ir?t=serenandspi0a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1416928332 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!
q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1781861471&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=serenandspi0a 20 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!ir?t=serenandspi0a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1781861471 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=1416927204&Format= SL250 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=serenandspi0a 20 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!
ir?t=serenandspi0a 20&l=as2&o=1&a=1416927204 Potty Training Tips Kids can be really stubborn when it comes to change, they are so used to you changing their diaper for them...why are they going to switch to having to go all by themselves now?! Well, trust me... if you do it right, they will be begging to go on the potty! I have compiled a few potty training tips to make the process a bit easier for both you and your little ones. By following these simple potty training tips I was able to potty train Little Man without any accidents-- even over night!

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